Se faire discret et écouter / Make yourself discreet and listen carefully.

Dès mon arrivée en Islande et pour la durée du séjour, j’observe la beauté saisissante du panorama et j’écoute attentivement les sons qui en émergent. Ils m’interpellent tous. Un calme s’étend sur le territoire où je circule et m’abandonne. Le silence n’existe pas, mais il se révèle pleinement par l’absence de pollution sonore.

C’est bien connu que les sons aux basses fréquences de la nature apaisent. Ils informent et instruisent. Ils invitent à nous mettre naturellement au diapason avec eux.

Dans les ateliers du Ós Residency, nous entendons au premier plan le son omniprésent des vagues océaniques. Il y a aussi le vent qui percute la structure du bâtiment sur toutes ses façades. Le bruit du ressac et le sifflement du vent au contact des fenêtres entre-ouvertes s’accompagnent extraordinairement du chant des oiseaux marins. Cette symphonie grandiose, aux modulations variées, constitue l’écoute centrale qui guidera mes réflexions pour la réalisation d’œuvres textiles, en ce mois de juin 2022.

Je m’engage à saisir les rythmes et les bercements des sonorités de Blönduós. Je tente de les traduire par un jeu de lignes et de textures produites avec les fibres de laine et des papiers que je file, tisse et brode sur la surface d’autres papiers de lin fait main que j’ai apporté pour l’occasion.

As soon as I arrive in Iceland and for the duration of my stay, I observe the striking beauty of the panorama, and I listen closely to its emerging sounds. All of them call out to me. A calmness spreads over the territory where I wander and abandon myself. Silence does not exist, but it is revealed fully by the absence of noise pollution.

It is well known that low-frequency sounds of nature are soothing. They inform and educate. They invite us to naturally attune to them.

In the Ós Residency studios, we hear the omnipresent sound of the ocean waves in the foreground. We also hear the wind hitting the structure of the building on all its facades. The sound of the sea surf and the whistling of the wind as it hits the slightly open windows is beautifully accompanied by the song of the sea birds. With its various modulations, this grandiose symphony constitutes the central listening that will guide my thoughts for creating textile artworks during June 2022.

I am committed to embracing the rhythms and lulls of the sounds of Blönduós. I try to translate them through an interplay of lines and textures produced with the wool fibres and papers that I spin, weave and embroider on the surface of other handmade linen papers I brought along for the occasion.

Parfois, je documente simplement, à l’aide d’une application sur mon téléphone, les sons entendus à l’extérieur et à l’intérieur de l’atelier.

Sometimes I simply use an application on my phone to document the sounds heard outside and inside the studio.

Cet après-midi-là, nous marchions sur un sentier tout près de l’océan. Nous avons subitement fait halte pour ne pas importuner les oiseaux nicheurs situés un peu plus loin. Nous nous sommes assises à une bonne distance de leur emplacement. Le vent s’était calmé. Un élégant chevalier gambette s’est perché tout près de nous. Il nous à offert le plaisir d’écouter son chant.

That afternoon, we were walking on a trail near the ocean. We suddenly stopped to avoid disturbing the nesting birds a little further away. We sat down at a safe distance from their location. The wind had calmed down. An elegant common redshank perched near us. He offered us the pleasure of listening to his call.

Le chevalier gambette et ses amis / Common redshank and friends

J’archiverai ses enregistrements sonores pour y revenir plus tard lorsque je quitterai Blönduós. Ces sonorités exceptionnelles font partie, d’une certaine façon, de mes œuvres produites dans le cadre de cette résidence.

I will archive these sound recordings and return to them later when I leave Blönduós. These exceptional sounds are, in a way, part of my works produced during this residency.


Encountering the landscape and the textile know-how

Despite being transported by the beauty of the Icelandic landscape, particularly that of Blönduós, our first week at the Icelandic Textile Center was rich in learning. We received expertise from three exceptional women regarding the history and some of the textile techniques related to our host location.

At first, Ragnheiður Björk Þórsdóttir taught us the basics of tapestry weaving. Then, she introduced us to the history of Icelandic textiles by talking about the origin of spinning, the advent of the first stone looms, the symbolism associated with weaving in Nordic mythology and the critical role of fabrics in the country’s socio-economic system. Finally, we could appreciate some of the many textile structures, costumes, patterns and colours that have shaped the Icelandic identity. This meeting with Ragga also allowed us to visit her exhibition ÞRÁÐLAG, (Threadscape) in her company at the Textile Museum in Blönduós. Her woven works provide a contemporary look at the Icelandic textile legacy.

Afterwards, Jóhanna Erla Palmadóttir taught us how to identify the different parts of the fleece and then to card and spin the wool from the Borgares sheep. Watching her transform this wool into yarn seemed so easy. Despite our first clumsy attempts, Jóhanna’s assistance and a bit of perseverance slowly transformed the fleece into a string. Fascinated by the gestures of spinning wool, many of us spontaneously devoted moments of our daily life to this discipline, refining a little more each day the yarn proudly produced by our hands. Capturing the precise moment when the texture of the wool transforms from soft fleece to smooth thread between our fingers is rewarding. It allows us to better grasp the complexity of this precious textile fibre.

To conclude this week’s workshop, Deborah Grey shared her passion for foraging plants for natural dyes. The landscapes of Blönduós provide gorgeous chromatic possibilities with their diverse vegetation. We joined our efforts to prepare and dye wool with many of the plants that surround us. We learned to recognize and discover their respective pigments with Deborah.

As I prepared for this field school, I suspected my art practice would be transformed by the encounters and learning I experienced. My classmates and I are enhancing our technical knowledge through the enlightening conversations that accompany us throughout the days. The sharing of textile know-how echoes the landscapes of Blönduós, the plants, animals and humans that inhabit it. This manifests in my experiments where I combine the techniques I have recently acquired with Ragga, Jóhanna and Deborah. This time-space offered by this residency will undoubtedly impact my further research in textile arts.
