We had only just arrived and already were personally greeted by the sun on our first day, they decided to welcome us to Blonduos with one of the most amazing sunsets I have ever seen and then proceed disappear for the next week leaving us with a storm that was latter described by locals as “the worst weather ever seen in June”. A fine rival for Montreal’s winter.
But then, they came back, not only with their beauty but with their very much appreciated warmth, underneath which we learned how to spin and might even have tanned a little bit.
It is hard to explain what 24h of daylight does to your body and mind, yet I find it even more difficult to describe the feeling of witnessing a sunset at 1am, knowing the sunrise will follow in less than an hour. A never ending spectacle where the sun doesn’t just go down, it sets sideways.
Yet there I was, on the 11th of June, alone on the rocks of the old port of Blonduos, whitenessing what I can surely count as one of the most incredible sunsets I’ve ever seen. (I know I said this about the first one but honestly they just keep getting better)
Suddenly everything is more. Emotions, colors, sound… I am hypnotized by the wavy texture of the eater that looks as if it was an animated film. Extremely grateful for the orange dots that cover the rocks for making the act of sitting so much more interesting. Feel much more connected to the family of ducklings floating in front of me and genuinely wondering how they know when to sleep.
And even though I tried to capture it (I mean I really tried) that kind of beauty is just too much for our human cameras. I will still leave you with some of the hundreds I sent back home, and ask you to imagine a landscape where the beauty is at least 278% greater than them.
Blönduós is the kind of place that makes you wonder, how is this even real?
Lots of Love